Wow.... I can't even believe a year has already passed. On April 11 Hudson turned one. I remember back to that week before he was due. I did everything I possibly could do to push myself into labor. The actual morning I went into labor I got up at 4am and ate scrambled eggs with Castor oil.. Yes, I said Castor oil!!! But hey by 11am I went to the doctors and my water was leaking so I went to the hospital and sure enough I was in labor. So I am not exactly sure if it was the Castor oil or not, but I am going to go with it... It makes for a good story :-) So with all of the craziness in our lives right now we opted to not have a huge 1st bday party for Hudson. so instead we had special 1st birthday pictures taken by our good friends at Johnstone Studios. They turned out wonderful and are so happy we did them!!! We are all doing great here. The boys are growing so fast and are just loves. Wyatt turns 4 at the end of this month and Hudson has been walking for a little over a month. Wyatt thinks he is his own personal toy!!! He just loves his little brother.... I am busy finishing up school and working toward my teaching credential, and Chris is gearing up for Fire season. Hope this finds everyone with happiness... STAY TUNED.........
We were honored to provide pictures for Hudson's 1st birthday. It was such a fun afternoon.