Wyatt started skiing this past month and that has been so much fun. Chris took him once and then we both got to go last Sunday. We rotated skiing with him and watching Hudson in the lodge. It was dumping snow out, but he was a trooper. He never ONCE complained. He was a champ getting on and off the lift and was making turns on the bunny hill. I never would have thought the bunny hill would be so much fun! Hudson was a tropper too.. He actually slept for almost three hours in his stroller in the lodge.... Chris is going to try and take Wyatt up every Monday until the season is over :-)
On another note, we had a WONDERFUL visit from my parents Valentine's Day weekend.... Chris was supposed to head out of town on a Motorcycle trip but got cancelled due to the weather, so we all got to hang out... The best part was getting my parents and the boys pictures taken by our friends at johnstone Studios that weekend. it was so special. I will post some pictures :-)
Not mych else to report, everyone is happy, healthy and busy! We are gearing up to go down to HB for my mom and neice Emme's birthday March 20th, so that should be fun....